Paul's farm story

 Ag Industry Specialist Paul Thomason runs his own company as Licensee Principal for Thomason Realty and has ventured out to establish his own farming business since 2021 known as Beltana Farming WA. His hands on approach in the Ag Industry means you are dealing with someone on the front line who understands the challenges of farming.

Paul grew up on a family farm in Mt Barker. The livestock property encompassed beef cattle, sheep and pigs. He has fond childhood memories of growing up with the horses and learning to ride from a young age.
Along with the great times, he also remembers the harsh truths of farming with his parents facing many difficulties. During their time in Mt Barker, the floor price of wool dissolved and created the crash of the wool industry. The uncertainty for all woolgrowers around Australia saw high rainfall farming country converted into commercial timber plantations. Around WA and Australia, wide rainfall zones had been averaging 500mm and over. This trigger sadly saw many leave the industry and the depletion of many families leaving the land over several years creating a much smaller farming community. The challenges of farming are always present and by living through the experiences Paul understands the farming lifestyle.

In 1995 the family purchased a property in Esperance that consisted of broadacre farming, livestock and cropping. Paul now has skin in the game through a joint venture with his twin Brother Geoff, having launched the new business in January 2021 with his parents’ decision to retire from their coastal holdings situated West of Esperance.
While Geoff does the everyday running of the farm, Paul spends seeding and harvest engaged on the property assisting operations and is very active in the farm planning.

Paul’s hands on involvement in his own farming business gives him a deeper level of empathy and understanding of the farming experience here in Esperance, the complexities of family business and personal insight into local agricultural dialogue.